Which Bariatric Procedure is Best for Me?
Congratulations! You have made the decision to lose weight. But how do you decide on which procedure is the right one for you?
Certain procedures may be ruled out due to your current medical conditions, so it’s very important to tell us all about your health, dietary and social patterns. You should also factor in your age, lifestyle, eating habits as well as your finances. The Gastric Balloon, Gastric Band, Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass are all tools – however, some of these tools work harder for you than others. It’s important to be honest, so ask yourself this question – “How much help do I need?”
Gastric Balloons – these are suitable for a BMI>27. Gastric Balloons are often used to aid patients , with dangerously high BMI’s, into a safer position for further bariatric surgery. If you have battled with your obesity for many years and are a typical yo yo dieter, then a Gastric Balloon may only be a short-term solution for you.
Gastric Bands – are licensed for BMI> 30. If your main issue is your portion size, then this may be the right operation for you. The band requires regular adjustments in clinic, so allow time for maintenance. If you are a chocoholic, then this may not be your best option for weight loss as you can still eat the soft high calorie foods with a band.
Sleeve Gastrectomy –BMI>35. This has grown in popularity in the UK over the last few years. Your stomach is reduced (permanently) to a quarter of its current size- therefore helping you with portion control. Your hunger hormone is altered after this operation and therefore your appetite is also reduced and lastly, your Sleeve will encourage you to eat a low fat and low sugar diet. Dumping syndrome can be ready to strike if you ignore the rules. The Sleeve is not recommended if you suffer from severe acid reflux.
Gastric Bypass –Considered for BMI>35. The bypass is still considered, by many, as the Gold Standard procedure – but is also the most intrusive form of Bariatric Surgery. If you have a sweet tooth, are prone to grazing, eat large portions of high fat foods and want a power tool – then you may wish to consider this surgery. Your weight loss post-op will be rapid and the downsides of this may be hair loss and problems with excess skin and nutritional deficiencies. You must be compliant with taking your vitamins and minerals and having your bloods monitored regularly (also true with the Sleeve). The Gastric Bypass offers the highest percentage of weight loss, in the shortest period.
We always recommend that you do plenty of research when considering any form of Bariatric Surgery. Think not just about the weight loss but the life changes that will occur because of the surgery. Talk to your GP, pick up the phone to our Team and then arrange to meet with one of our Surgeons. This is a big decision with a lifelong commitment. So, make sure that you and our team help you to make the right choice.
*Disclaimer: Please note that weight loss surgery results and benefits are unique to each individual and in such The Bariatric Group cannot guarantee specific weight loss goals as results for each surgery can vary. If you have any questions or would like to know more about weight loss surgery please contact our expert team.