Though there are many different weight loss surgeries available, gastric balloons are fast becoming a popular alternative due to the fact there is no operation involved. A gastric balloon is simply a small, soft, silicon balloon that is inserted into the stomach via the mouth. The balloon then fills the stomach partially, which leads to the patient feeling full quickly.
During a gastric balloon procedure, the balloon is inserted using a very thin and flexible tube via the oesophagus. Though a gastric balloon isn’t an operation, you’ll still be given a mild sedation in order to keep the experience as pain free and comfortable as possible. This procedure takes as little as fifteen minutes and you will be allowed to go home the exact same day.
After around six months, the gastric balloon deflates and will need to be removed. The average weight lost through a gastric balloon procedure is around 20-30% of their starting excess weight, though it does vary hugely depending on the individual.
A gastric balloon is often recommended for those who are in need of losing weight but are struggling. Whether this be before an operation or as a non-surgical treatment, it is a great way to lose weight in a safe and positive way. If you’re using the gastric balloon instead of surgical options, it’s important to remember that it can be a slower way to lose weight and may not give you as good results. If you’re still thinking about taking the plunge into a gastric balloon procedure, you’ll need to have a BMI of between 27 and 35.
Many people opt for the gastric balloon over the more invasive surgeries due to the lack of risks involved with the procedure. It is also a much less expensive way to lose weight than multiple surgical options, though it is important to weigh up the pros and cons of what you are looking to achieve in terms of weight lost. It is, however, important to realise that those who undergo gastric balloon procedures can also experience complications. These can include discomfort, nausea and vomiting, which are particularly common within the early stages of the procedure. If you experience any pain that your surgeon hasn’t warned you of, it’s important you consult your surgeon as soon as possible.
Committing to your gastric balloon and losing weight is an important step in any weight loss procedure. Once inserted, you will need to follow a strict healthy eating and exercise plan recommended by your surgeon. These plans are given to you for a reason, and are there to help you achieve the very best results.
After six months and doing all you can to achieve weight loss suited to you, your gastric balloon will deflate. This is usually around the six month mark, and it will then need to be removed. As it was put in, the balloon will be removed via the mouth using an endoscopic tube. When the balloon is removed, your stomach is able to return back to its normal size and shape.
Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is an important aspect of gastric balloon procedures. This is simply because the gastric balloon has no lasting effects on the stomach. Without the balloon in place, you will be able to eat larger portions almost immediately after the balloon has been removed. If you were to let your healthy eating and exercise plan slip, it may result in the weight being gained once again.
If you’d like to find out more information regarding bariatric procedures or surgery, get in touch with a member of The Bariatric Group team today by visiting our contact page or by giving us a call on 0808 1280 022- we’d love to help!
Disclaimer: Please note that weight loss surgery results and benefits are unique to each individual and in such The Bariatric Group cannot guarantee specific weight loss goals as results for each surgery can vary. If you have any questions or would like to know more about weight loss surgery please contact our expert team.