It is not uncommon to regain some of the weight you lost after bariatric surgery. Regaining weight can be a challenge, both emotionally and mentally. It’s important to remember that although weight regain is a setback to success, it can be managed and reversed.
Identify the Cause
In order to take control of your weight gain you will need to identify the cause. If you have been consistently losing weight since your surgery, identify what may have changed. Have you been eating larger meals? Are you still sticking to your post-surgery diet?
Get Support
Seek support from your weight loss surgery practitioners. The cause of your weight gain might be difficult to determine without the advice and help from professionals. It’s easy to put weight regain down to missed exercise sessions or the wrong foods, but the underlying problem could be more serious. For example, a difficult cause to identify is a stretched stomach pouch. Your weight loss practitioners may be able to help you figure out what is happening and why.
Are you committed?
Whatever the next step is to correct your weight regain, now is the perfect time to think about your commitment to your weight loss journey. If you have recently reduced your efforts to be physical or control your portion sizes, now is your opportunity to resolve this and stick to it in the future. If you have lost contact with your weight loss practitioner team, consider getting back in touch with them as they are there to support you.
Stay Positive
Don’t let weight gain get you down. About half of all patients will regain some weight after two years, so it’s a very common thing to occur. Try to remember that weight regain is a manageable setback and can easily be reversed if you are willing to put in the effort. If you think you are regaining weight, the best thing to do is to take action immediately.
Here at The Bariatric Group, we can offer revisional surgery to those who have previously undergone a form of bariatric surgery and are now experiencing weight gain, complications or insignificant weight loss. Typically, a gastric bypass is the preferred choice for revisional surgery, though patients who previously had a bypass can opt to have an adjustable gastric band.
For more information or to speak to one of our weight loss professionals, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of The Bariatric Group team by visiting our contact page or by giving us a call on 01823 215714.
Disclaimer: Please note that weight loss surgery results and benefits are unique to each individual and in such The Bariatric Group cannot guarantee specific weight loss goals as results for each surgery can vary. If you have any questions or would like to know more about weight loss surgery please contact our expert team.