I just couldn’t believe it when I went shopping this week and bought a size 10 pair of trousers.
When I think back to 9 years ago – I was wearing a size 26, and I am now literally half the person I used to be. In just 7 months since my Gastric Bypass, I have lost an incredible 5 stone and overall, I am over 9 stone down since the start of my weight loss journey.
There are always low points after surgery, but of you can minimise these with some of these recommendations:
How You Can Help Yourself
Feeling tired for the first 4 weeks post-op Allow yourself time to recover and don't rush back to work
Regular dizzy spells during the first 2-3 months Eat little and often and drink plenty of water
Dumping Consider your food choices - look at the fat and sugar content. Eat little and often
Hair Loss Take your daily multi viamins. Up your Zinc intake and invest in some good hair products
Loose Skin Accept that this can be an issue if you lose more than 8 stone. Buy some decent lycra underwear!
Without doubt, the positives of weight loss, far outweigh the negatives.
Completely off medication
I no longer have “crunchy” and sore knees
I can ride a bike, go into a jog and bounce on a trampoline – effortlessly
Higher levels of energy – no longer lethargic
Eating a more healthy and balanced diet
Improved self-esteem and confidence
Stopped snoring
Shopping is enjoyable again – plus I can buy clothes…anywhere!
Flying is more comfortable
I can cross my legs, tie up my shoes and put my socks on
Feel sexier
Anxiety and depression reduced
The list of benefits to losing weight is individual – but is endless.
At The Bariatric Group, we ask patients to write down some personal goals IE: Start horse-riding, do a parachute jump, visit Machu Picchu etc. My goals were: ride a bike, visit a waterpark and to be able to shop in normal high street stores. I have achieved my 3 goals now and I feel great.
The only question, I always have in the back of my head is WHY DIDN’T I DO THIS SOONER? I had battled with obesity since I was in my early 20’s and didn’t face the problem until I was 38 – what a waste. However, every day, when I chat to others about their consideration of bariatric surgery, I hear myself saying “you will know when the time is right for you!” I stand by that – it is only you who can decide.
Disclaimer: Please note that weight loss surgery results and benefits are unique to each individual and in such The Bariatric Group cannot guarantee specific weight loss goals as results for each surgery can vary. If you have any questions or would like to know more about weight loss surgery please contact our expert team.