I had a Gastric Bypass in 2008 and have never looked back.
I have struggled with my weight all my life and had tried every diet known to man. The turning point for me was when I was doing my nurse training and I was working in A&E, being on my feet all day and having to run to an emergency was the worst experience ever, my feet and legs constantly hurt and my face was always bright red and I could see the looks I got from the patients when I had to treat them and some didn’t care what they said! That’s when I knew I had to do something about it and the only option left for me was surgery, I was 35 and really felt time was running out.
I did try going down the NHS route, but I had a very unsupportive GP and basically, I was a healthy fat person with no co-morbidities so the only choice for me was to go private. I researched for hours and hours about bariatric surgery and the surgeon’s reputation etc and once I had made my choice and booked my surgery there was no going back and I have never looked back from that day to this. At the start of my journey I weighed a very unhealthy 26stone and my BMI was 55 and a size 30-32, Today I weigh 11stone 6 with a BMI of 24 and size 10-12. Everyone asks me about my loose skin and yes, I do have it but it is not excessive as I have exercised regularly and it is a small price to pay to feel healthy and look good.
I wouldn’t say its been an easy journey as I suffer with dumping and low blood sugars, but these problems keep me away from certain foods that cause it which I know I would probably eat if I didn’t get it. After about 4 years I noticed that I was starting to regain some weight so basically, I went straight back to the basics of gastric bypass and have since gone on to lose more weight. I have stayed at this weight now and this is where I feel comfortable. I love going clothes shopping (maybe a little too much!), I enjoy walking and going out and my confidence has come on leaps and bounds, I really am a different person and love the compliments I receive.
My diet is very varied now with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, I always try and eat 70g of protein a day but can sometimes find it a struggle. Food doesn’t rule my life anymore and I feel in total control.
Having bariatric surgery is the easy part, its what you must be prepared for after. The first 18 months to 2 years the surgery does most of the work for you. I always remember my surgeon saying to me “I am operating on your stomach and not your brain and I am giving you a tool and not a cure ”, I didn’t have a clue what he meant until months later, what I realise he meant was that he is giving me a tool to use to help me lose weight, I have to use it and work with it to get results and also, my brain still works exactly as it did before the surgery, my head and eyes were still hungry it’s just that I wasn’t physically hungry yet I still wanted to put food in my mouth in large quantities yet it was physically impossible due to my new tool!! Once I got my head around the fact that I couldn’t eat large amounts or eat fats or sweet things everything else became easy, this part of the journey I found the hardest as food was always a comfort for me in the past for whenever things went wrong or even when things went right I would turn to food.
Having a gastric bypass was the best decision of my life and I am such an advocate for all bariatric surgery. It is life changing and only for the better, to watch people grow and excel in their life is so satisfying and so rewarding.
*Disclaimer: Please note that weight loss surgery results and benefits are unique to each individual and in such The Bariatric Group cannot guarantee specific weight loss goals as results for each surgery can vary. If you have any questions or would like to know more about weight loss surgery please contact our expert team.